Monday, August 18, 2008

Turning vegetarian

I just survived a week without eating meat. On the side, I must have ingested some morsels of oyster from the oyster sauce, if at all, there's any, I've been dashing my meals with for some palatable flavor to my otherwise bland meals. Zooplankton-ish dry shrimps from the canned laing I bought from the Asian shop must have also made their way to my intestines. There should be a party of microorganisms in there. I hope hardcore vegetarians might not throw me some decomposing meat in protest of my using their label.

Turning vegetarian has always been at the back of my mind since meeting at least three of my classmates who have been vegetarians for quite a while. If they are still alive for only ingesting plants and dairy products, why can't I? You might ask, why only now, after having been for a year. This time during my university break is just perfect. Other than watching Peep Show and pretending to do some research, my most strenuous activities lately that demand energy and consequently proteins are walking to the kitchen and bathroom, and the occasional evening trips to the city center for happy hour cocktails (that's made from fruits, herbs, and organic alcohol).

I had a hankering for meat during the first days, and the bio-shop saved my life. On their shelves is an array of vegie-meats- sausages, steaks, and cold cuts, name it. It tasted much better than what I expected, but it just doesn't seem quite right. Fake meat sounds like eating fake food. In the next days, I feasted on pasta. Pesto, pomodoro, Napoli. When I went jogging yesterday, I almost smelled the aroma of olive oil as I started to sweat.

I've also altered my eating patterns. Small frequent meals. Chew your food properly. That's what my friend, Des who's studying in the Philippines to become a doctor prescribed me to prevent from bloating. It's a good precautionary measure after devouring meat probably almost equal to a pen of pigs and a herd of cows since setting foot on Germany. Imagine the wursts, schnitzels, and rindfleisch (beef) I have consumed in this carnivorous land.

In a way, Germany is vegetarian-friendly. Vegetarian meals are served in the Mensa (cafeteria) and most restaurants have vegetarian options. You won't run out of fruits and vegetables also. Fresh harvests are available every morning in the market like in Freiburg's Muensterplatz.

Does this mean I'm giving up on my carnal cravings? What about my beloved adobo? No, I have no intention of going all-the-way. I won't pass up a chance if anyone invites me for a mouth-watering bratwurst or burger. It will be a selective type of vegetarianism, like another classmate who doesn't buy meat for herself. If I am served meat on my plate, I can eat with a peaceful conscience and, mind you, not out of politeness. Please, somebody, invite me now for a week-long grill! Guten Apetit!

Plate of food above was my lunch yesterday (and most probably also today).

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